
[轉貼] McDonald's Theory 用爛點子打破沉默的「麥當勞理論」

McDonald’s Theory: people are inspired to come up with good ideas to ward off bad ones.

Anne Lamott advocates “shitty first drafts”

Nike tells us to “Just Do It”

Steve Jobs used just one word in email: “Go!”

Shut up. Stop sabotaging yourself.

from medium.cominside.com.tw



[解決異常] Sequel Pro 無法連線到本機 MySql 8.0 database

不久前換新的mac筆電,必須重新安裝本機的Mysql,於是就直接安裝到mysql-8.0.28的版本,過去一直習慣用 Sequel Pro 操作 database,結果發生 MySQL Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_passwor...